This little girl. Today she should have started her first day going to school with her big loving brother. He would have proudly walked in with her and I bet he'd take her to her class room for the first time. Today when her brother came home from his first day back at school we talked about Lucy and about how she'd be 3 years old and she'd be starting at his school for the first time in the primary classroom. We wondered if she'd be scared of going or maybe she'd be excited. I wonder if she'd be shy and quiet or more outgoing. I think she would have brought a peaceful energy to her classroom with sweet 3 year old talk, busy preparing her work on her work mat and playing sweet games with her friends. Would she rather climb on the play structure or would she rather sit for hours playing in sandboxes, or maybe she'd like to plant and water the flowers. I wonder what kind of lunches she would want me to prepare, would she like berries, or watermelon. Would she like sandwiches or leftovers from dinner. Would she pick out her clothes the night before, preparing everything neatly or would she be carefree and not care what she wore. Would she want to bring flowers to her teachers, clutching them tightly as she left my arms waking carefully confidently into the school doors. I miss this today. I miss not having my sweet 3 year old.